TRAKO Fair I Polish Railway

VeloGleis wins award in Gdansk

The 14th International Railway Fair TRAKO in Gdansk (Poland) was again a special experience this year. Together with our colleagues from the MMR Group TransComfort, we received the "TRAKO Innovation Award" for our VeloGleis. The Urban Communications Chamber of Commerce competition by Professor Jan Podoski was created to highlight and promote the best products, innovative technical solutions, and modern technologies for public transport.

The TRAKO 2021 in Gdansk

TRAKO is the largest and most prestigious meeting of the railway industry in Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. It presents the state of the art in transport systems and railway infrastructure in Poland, Europe and around the world. The exhibition takes place every two years in Gdansk and we are regularly represented there with our distribution partner MMR Group TransComfort.

A big surprise awaited us this year: the colleagues from the MMR Group TransComfort were called onto the stage for the gala dinner and received the TRAKO innovation prize for the patented SEALABLE VeloGleis.

The joy on their faces was huge and Deputy Sales Director for Rail Vehicles (MMR Group TransComfort) Mariusz Zaremba reported:

"Cities in Poland are currently growing more and more due to urbanization and thus rail-bound traffic is also moving towards the development and ultimately also contact with other road users. Thanks to its innovative construction principle, the VeloGleis is an effective protection for cyclists and serves to ensure accessibility in traffic."

In addition to the gala evening, the event was accompanied by a rich program. Debates, conferences, numerous seminars, and company presentations as well as the TRAKO Education and Career Day offered the 23,000 visitors and over 500 exhibitors various opportunities to let the world of railways have an impact on them.

The railway is the best, because it is the safest, most environmentally friendly, and crisis-resistant means of transport and is trendy. Today another word is associated with the railroad: growth. It could be heard throughout TRAKO at the numerous vehicle presentations, debates, and conferences.

Krzysztof Mamiński, CEO of PKP SA and President of the International Union of Railways (UIC)

How does the VeloGleis work?

The VeloGleis is a metal construction system, which has an extruded elastomer profile as its core. This profile fills in the open groove to allow bicycles, strollers or wheelchairs to drive and cross safely. A rail vehicle with flanged wheels can still drive on the rail system without any problems.

When driven over, the wheel flange presses the filling profile into the wheel groove chamber. The hollow profile channels and the groove chamber have sufficient free volume to accommodate the compressed rubber material of the profile. After being driven over by the wheel flange, the profile returns to its original shape due to its rubber-elastic properties and closes the wheel track groove again. The restoring force of the filling profile was selected in such a way that it cannot be pushed down by bicycles or pedestrians.

A special rubber compound resistant to mechanical loads ensures high wear resistance of the profile. Fastening screws prevent it from being displaced by rail vehicles running over it.

With this technology, the VeloGleis prevents bicycle wheels or shoes from jamming in the groove of the rail. You can find more information about our patented system in the product brochure under the following link:

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