By using energy, materials and water in a resource-saving way, we as a company make an active contribution to protecting the environment and preserving biodiversity.
Sustainability I our strategy
for sustainable action
Environment & society are close to our heart
Sustainability is important for us. For this reason, we have dedicated ourselves to the development of efficient and durable products. Since 2012, we have been a member of the Sustainability Agreement Thuringia, which is committed to the conservation of resources, the efficient use of energy as well as environmental protection and the positive contribution to climate change. We try to produce our products as sustainable as possible. Starting with the supplier and the raw materials all the way to the consumer.
The three dimensions of sustainability
The high consumption of energy and resources in the economy requires global and future-oriented action to reduce the impact of corporate activities on the environment and society. We as SEALABLE Solutions GmbH live up to this responsibility. Our sustainability strategy serves as a basis for this and is based on the three pillars of environment, social affairs and economy.
For us, a safe, equal-opportunity and future-oriented working environment is the basis of a healthy corporate culture with which we master the growing social challenges.
The long-term success of the company is the basis of our economic activity. We are in constant dialogue with our stakeholders and focus on increasing the value of the company.
More about our principles of sustainable corporate governance as well as initiatives and successes can be read in our annual sustainability report:
The most important asset of a company:
the employees
Our employees are actively involved in the responsibility for quality, occupational safety and the environment. In this way, everyone contributes to the sustainable success of the company. The motivation of employees and the bearing of responsibility are supported by a timely open information policy, clear decentralised management processes and needs-based training and further education. Occupational safety and health protection, but also diversity and a good work-life balance are part of our corporate culture.

Dialogue with our stakeholder
As a global company, we work on people and institutions in many areas. It is therefore natural to have a dialogue with them, to exchange information and opinions. This promotes sustainability in companies and society.

The stakeholder dialogue helps us to identify trends and new developments as well as risks and opportunities at an early stage and to achieve sustainability goals together. Only in this way can the needs of the different stakeholders, especially those of the customers, be taken into account. The dialogue with our customers, employees, suppliers, organisations, scientists and business representatives creates trust on both sides. Therefore, we are in a continuous, reciprocal exchange with our stakeholders. At the same time, dialogue with stakeholders will be used to provide information and accountability about the impact of one’s actions on people and the environment.