Tunnelling | glued
tunnel gaskets

Precast segment gaskets
glued-in sealing profiles

Glued-in sealing profiles are the classic seals in segmental tunnel construction, which were commonly used in prefabricated segments.

With the glued-in seals, the profiles are glued into the groove of the prefabricated segments. This procedure is an advantage for projects, since it is independence from the production of the segment and the seal is only glued-in after the manufacturing process of the segment. By gluing-in the sealing profile, improvements and repairs are easily possible.

SEALABLE offers a variety of different profiles. In addition to the standard program, we are also happy to find individual solution for your project.

Starting with the new Elbe Tunnel in 1969, SEALABLE has decades of experience in traditional sealing methods. Our company was also able to supply high-quality gaskets for the Eurotunnel in 1988.

Advantages of glued sealing profiles

  • Flexible usage for precast segments
  • Easy to repair in case of damage
  • Easy to check
  • Application is possible at the precast plant or at the tunnelling site befor installation of the segments



Weser (44 x 12 mm)


Groene Hart (36 x 12,5 mm)


Mexico (33 x 10 mm)


Portland (26 x 10 mm)

Installation instruction

The glueing of these seals can be done with a brush as well as with a spray gun. Below you will find step-by-step instructions as a video and also as a PDF for download.

Installation instruction for tunnel gaskets with contact adhesive and brush

Installation instruction for tunnel gaskets with contact adhesive and spray gun

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