Track Superstructure | Our solutions for track construction.


Our aim is to foster harmony for all transport users in the city of tomorrow. Our solutions for the railway sector prevent accidents and danger spots. The systems are also low-maintenance and offer maximum economic efficiency.

The latest patent, the bicycle-safe track also known as VeloGleis, was tested in 2017. In 2018, this was awarded the Thuringian Innovation Prize in the category Tradition & Future.








Research part

It is important that the tracks are insulated against
stray currents and vibrations, thus ensuring safety.

Cities are growing due to urbanisation and rail transport is moving more and more towards built-up areas as a result. Vibrations can have a significant impact on the environment and seriously affect quality of life. With sensitive systems and devices, even the smallest vibrations can lead to a loss of quality. We specialise in developing effective solutions for vibration reduction.

The combination of private and rail transport continues to create accident risks at hot spots such as junctions between cycle and footpaths on roads.

In addition, metallic structures such as pipelines, tank containers, reinforced cable sheaths and reinforced concrete structures are at risk of corrosion from the influence of stray currents.

Current track construction projects

Renewal of the tramway track with RCS | Angerkreuz Erfurt

Efficient reconstruction of the largest traffic junction in our state capital with only 5 days full closure

Test route for bicycle-safe track | Basel public transport companies

Future-proof urban planning and accident reduction with the innovative product "VeloGleis" from SEALABLE


  • Simple handling
  • Increased quality of life and driving comfort
  • Stray current insulation – durable structures thanks to reduced corrosion
  • Higher availability and reduced maintenance effort
  • Sustainability thanks to wear reduction and track stability

SEALABLE applications

Our services

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Icon für den Service von Prüfungen


Icon für den Service hauseigenes Technikum


Icon für den Vor-Ort-Service


Your contact person

Matthias Klug
Managing Director

Language: ENG / GER

Susanne Hoffmann
Product Manager Track Superstructure

Language: ENG / GER

+49 171 5324 301
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