Not-a-Boring Competition | Elon Musk Competion

Competition encourages innovation

Elon Musk has launched the competition "Not-A-Boring Competition" with the motto - "Let's beat the snail". The goal of the Boring Company and the competition is to build the tunnel infrastructure needed for fast, safe and comfortable transportation, including Loop and Hyperloop. In order to achieve this, innovative solutions must first be developed that increase the TBM speed and reduce tunnel costs.

Let's beat the snail

Hosted by The Boring Company, the competition challenges teams around the world to drill a 30 m long and 50 cm wide tunnel as fast and precise as possible. But that's not all. According to the motto, the drilling robot to be developed is supposed to exceed the speed of a garden snail of 3 m/h. This would be 10 times faster than the current market average of a tunnel boring machine.

Out of almost 400 applicants, 12 teams are still competing for victory. The winner will be determined during the final 2021 in the Mojave Desert of California. Matthias Klug supports the competition:

At SEALABLE, too, we know that competing and competition improving products constantly. That is why we are always willing to promote and demand to innovate, because standstill is not one of our principles.

We are proud to be able to support the two, from our point of view, strongest teams in the competition.

Diese Teams unterstützen wir:

These include Swissloop Tunneling, the ETH Zurich team consisting of more than 40 students with knowledge of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering as well as business-related expertise. Some of them are former members of the Swissloop team from 2018/19, which took 2nd place in the SpaceX Hyperloop Competition and received the Innovation Award. The student-led initiative aims to make tunnelling faster, more sustainable and more efficient and to promote infrastructure research.

In addition, we support TUM Boring, the team from the Technical University of Munich, consisting of 60 students who received the most prestigious scholarships and prizes, have already founded their own companies, have a lot of professional experience at renowned companies (including Tesla, BMW and Google) and have already developed robots and apps. In the past, TUM has won all four Space X Hyperloop Pod Competitions, which were also hosted by one of Elon Musk's companies.

We wish the two Teams success in developing and constructing their tunnel drill, as well as to be participating in the final.
May the better win!

Matthias Klug, Managing Partner

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