LightRailDay I Presentation
Velo Safe Track Pilot Project

The latest projects in Nordic tram construction

The venue of the LightRailDay this year was Denmark's capital Copenhagen. The conference is a popular and well-established venue for local transport topics in the northern countries. Many interesting lectures about rail vehicles, new infrastructure projects and innovative developments were presented in two short days.

LightRailDay 2021 in Copenhagen

We had the pleasure of participating in this year's LightRailDay. After several postponements and a short-term change of location to Copenhagen, the event was finally able to take place in Denmark without any further complications.

Matthias Klug presented the functionality and benefits of our SEALABLE VeloGleises. It was a welcome change to win new prospects face to face for our VeloGleis. The project presentation led to interesting and informative discussions with the local transport representatives and planners who were present.

Not only digitization and a rapid expansion of the tram infrastructure are a big topic, but also accessibility for the increasing individual traffic on foot and by bike. Interest in the VeloGleis was very high and one of the most frequently asked questions was:

"How does the system behave in sub-zero temperatures, snow and ice? How high is the maintenance effort?"

We were able to dismiss all the concerns and explained to those interested that the winter conditions have no effect on the functionality of the VeloGleis.

In 2019, the Pro-Velo association examined the bicycle-friendly track in detail with a view to safety, installation, maintenance, and costs. The submitted safety proofs as well as first real experiences show that the VeloTrack works safely and reliably for tram operation.

Matthias Klug berät potenzielle Kundin zum LightRailDay
Matthias Klug berät potenzielle Kundin zum LightRailDay über das VeloGleis

We hadn't expected such a high interest and are looking forward to the future projects in the Scandinavian countries.

Franziska Kachel, Marketing Managerin

Things worth knowing about LightRailDay

The LightRailDay was founded in 2009 by Bernd Reuss under the name "Letbanedagen" in Odense/Denmark. The original idea was to organize a national light rail conference for Denmark. Founder Bernd Reuss came up with the idea when he financed the first Danish light rail system in Aarhus. The last light rail in Copenhagen was closed 40 years earlier. The name of Bernd's company was then Goodtranslations - later it was changed to

The conference soon developed into one of the most important light rail conferences in Scandinavia. The LightRailDay has already taken place in Odense, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Bergen, and Aarhus.

We are already looking forward to the next LightRailDay 2022. This is scheduled for the end of October in Helsinki (Finland).

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