Future on Rails
From Safety to Environmental Protection

Safety and innovation go hand in hand

In 2024, the first major rail event in Europe took place over two days in Utrecht. RailTech is a trade fair featuring exhibitions, networking opportunities, conferences, and workshops, providing companies with a platform to exchange ideas and explore growth opportunities in the European railway sector. The exhibition showcased numerous new products, services, and technical solutions from across Europe, while the workshop program, featuring over 20 interactive sessions, was open to all visitors free of charge.

RailTech 2024 in Utrecht

At this year’s RailTech in Utrecht, Netherlands, SEALABLE Solutions GmbH was represented for the first time with a 16 sqm exhibition stand. Together with our long-standing sales partner VARUTEC, we had the opportunity to present an innovative contribution to safety and environmental protection in railway construction to the visitors of the trade fair. Our long-standing partnership enables us to offer a comprehensive package in Belgium and the Netherlands, which includes not only our SEALABLE RCS but also trackbed mats, safety profiles, RailRestore, and a complete insulation service.

With the introduction of our Rail Comfort System, we provided insights into its diverse applications and safety advantages over traditional chamber fillers. Our VeloGleis, which cleverly combines barrier-free railway crossings and noise protection, was also presented and received great interest. Robert Wörfel, Product Manager Track Superstructure, commented:

"The VeloGleis symbolized our willingness to take unconventional paths and find solutions that go beyond the obvious."

The connection between environmental protection, sustainability, and safety for people and the environment presents new challenges for the railway construction of the future.

"It's not just about how fast you can travel from A to B; there are also secondary and tertiary effects - it's about the development of Europe. The secondary effects need to become more apparent."

Peter Rummel, Director for Infrastructure Policy Promotion

Frank Vanluchene

The trusting collaboration with our long-standing partner VARUTEC made our contribution to this innovative trade fair particularly diverse and highlighted our shared goal: to make rail transport even safer and more sustainable for people and the environment in the future. A special thanks goes to our dedicated agents, whose efforts make such extensive collaborations possible. Frank Vanluchene, Manager at VARUTEC, has been by our side from the very beginning, actively driving the development of future-oriented technology with his expertise and many years of experience. We look forward to further exciting developments and shared experiences in a pan-European context.

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