DENA Congress I Future Currency Climate Protection

SEALABLE Solutions GmbH at the DENA Congress 2024
Energy Efficiency through Digitalization

The DENA Energy Transition Congress 2024 in Berlin was held under the theme "Future Currency: Climate Protection." Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck opened the event, stressing the urgent need for substantial investments in the energy transition and climate protection. The congress covered key topics across the industrial and building sectors, urban areas, and the role of municipalities, with a particular emphasis on financing, infrastructure, digitalization, and public acceptance.

Insights and Exchange at the KEDi Session

Our energy manager, Thomas Völker, represented SEALABLE Solutions GmbH at the DENA Congress and provided practical insights during the KEDi session “Small Companies, Digitally Big.” In a particularly successful session, he presented our company as a best-practice example of energy efficiency through digital transformation. His presentation, which introduced our digital lighting monitoring and its success in energy-saving potential, generated great interest and many specific questions from the audience. The discussions clearly demonstrated that the relevance of digital transformations for energy efficiency is high and resonates across all industries—from startups to established companies, municipalities, and academia.

It was especially praised that SEALABLE makes the collected data directly actionable for the user, deriving practical steps from it to create added value, rather than merely archiving the data. He stated:

Digitalization is the key to energy efficiency—our project demonstrates how data can not only be collected but actively utilized to implement sustainable actions.”

Thomas Völker described the DENA Congress as a solution-oriented event full of constructive workshops and impulses. The greatest added value came from exchanging ideas with the participants: viewpoints and perspectives were shared, and, above all, the demand for planning security and competitive electricity prices became clear. The demand for digitalization and expertise in energy management highlighted how crucial these topics are today for a successful energy transition.

copyright Felix Zahn Photothek

“The DENA Congress clearly demonstrated that innovation and exchange must go hand in hand to tackle the challenges of the energy transition together.”

Thomas Völker, Energy Manager at SEALABLE Solutions GmbH


Focus Topics of the DENA Congress

The DENA Congress addressed several key topics across various sessions. In the area of financing, the role of the market and the state, emissions trading, and risk management for renewable energy projects were discussed. The infrastructural topics ranged from circular economy and the expansion of electromobility to ensuring system stability. At the same time, approaches to increasing acceptance of energy transition were presented. Ranging from building trust in heat pumps to socially equitable solutions and the importance of energy transition in election decisions.

The course has been set. The energy transition has gained momentum. Now, sustainable investments must be made, and acceptance for transformation processes must be strengthened.

Elvira Hinz, Senior expert Industry (DENA - Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH)

Our contribution to the digital transformation in energy management

Through the digitalization of lighting and building management systems, as well as the integration of systems for machine data collection and automation, we at SEALABLE actively contribute to improving efficiency in businesses. Our approach goes beyond merely collecting data: we define concrete measures to optimize energy consumption, which made our project a best-practice example at the DENA Congress. The DENA Congress was an important opportunity for us to present this approach to a wide audience and gather new impulses for the further development of our projects through exchange.

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